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Showing 1 - 20 of 61 offered ads
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David Hall - Speaker (paid)

Amazing interactive shows, STEM "busking", dynamic workshops - and more..! Available for schools, festivals and beyond - internationally..! For details visit www.davidhallworkshopsandshows.co.uk www.davidhallcoaching.com https://vimeo.com/davidhallworkshopsnshows or email davidshall@mac.com

Emma Ranade - Speaker (paid)

Emma Ranade is qualified science teacher and is passionate about getting primary children excited about practical science. She founded Fab Science to give every child the opportunity to get stuck in and be a scientist. Fab Science has delivered in-school workshops, events, parties and holiday activities to thousands of children. She designs every activity to stretch children's scientific thinking and spark curiosity...as well as being heaps of fun!

Peter Horton - Speaker (paid)

Particular focus on how Earth System Science can inform, encourage and sustain the transition to regenerative communities, using interactive and entertaining workshops and performance. All ages.

Glenn Heasley - Speaker (paid)

Ian Dunne - Speaker (paid)

Science...the best Bits for Primary age and Science Magic...Magic Science for secondary and public shows • Willing to travel: Anywhere in the UK • Virtual Shows and Workshops can be offered anywhere

Matthew Tosh - Speaker (paid)

REAL SCIENCE OR JUST BANGS: THE SCIENCE OF FIREWORKS Explore the colourful and explosive world of pyrotechnics as Matthew deconstructs the science behind firework displays. He'll demonstrate how to create colours, different sound effects, shock waves and perfectly timed bursts in time to music, whilst ensuring that displays are safe. Fully customisable to fit your venue or event and featuring real indoor fireworks, this is an exciting and dramatic show featuring real science.

Jerry Stone - Speaker (paid)

I give presentations on astronomy and space exploration all over the UK. I also present space workshops for schools across the UK, at both primary and secondary level. They include Space Is Big, Mission To Mars, The Great British Blast-Off, and Build The Space Station. Now we are planning to return to the Moon - a perfect opportunity to excite and inspire students with STEM activities. Contact me for more information. I also run team-building exercises for companies and other organisations.

Jon Wood - Speaker (paid)

‘School of Water Wizardry’ We dance as water molecules, forming ice and explaining density; We prove teachers wrong by taking water sub-zero; We stretch, bend and split water. When we’re ready, we’ll blow it up! Everyone graduates. Typically one hour, demo-based show suitable for primary, KS 3 & 4, family or large audiences.

Nick Sayers - Speaker (paid)

I make art inspired by science, often using everyday materials: drawing machines from bicycles, long-exposure pinhole cameras from aluminium cans, spherical sculptures from recycled waste, a guided tour of the Solar System by bike. I run workshops with these activities, and give public talks about my work.

Architecture Workshops - Speaker (paid)

Designed to enhance the curriculum and provide catalytic support for teachers we have been developing workshops since 1985. We have activities for all Key Stages & Abilities and all workshops contain elements of STEM and aid fine and gross motor skills. Our History & Humanities workshops are topic based, while STEAM workshops are design and make exercises help develop pupils as creative thinkers, effective participants, independent enquirers, reflective learners and resilient individuals.

Peter Naish - Speaker (free)

I am probably best known for giving talks on the mechanisms and applications of hypnosis. However, I have also given presentations dealing with how the brain processes information from the senses, on the impact of trauma and the mysterious nature of consciousness. All my talks involve demonstrations and audience participation. I have spoken at all the main science festivals (e.g. Edinburgh, Cardiff, British Science Festival) in many cases on numerous occasions.

Peter Naish - Speaker (paid)

I am probably best known for giving talks on the mechanisms and applications of hypnosis. However, I have also given presentations dealing with how the brain processes information from the senses, on the impact of trauma and the mysterious nature of consciousness. All my talks involve demonstrations and audience participation. I have spoken at all the main science festivals (e.g. Edinburgh, Cardiff, British Science Festival) in many cases on numerous occasions.

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