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Showing 21 - 40 of 120 offered ads

Nick Sayers - Speaker (paid)

I make art inspired by science, often using everyday materials: drawing machines from bicycles, long-exposure pinhole cameras from aluminium cans, spherical sculptures from recycled waste, a guided tour of the Solar System by bike. I run workshops with these activities, and give public talks about my work.

Architecture Workshops - Speaker (paid)

Designed to enhance the curriculum and provide catalytic support for teachers we have been developing workshops since 1985. We have activities for all Key Stages & Abilities and all workshops contain elements of STEM and aid fine and gross motor skills. Our History & Humanities workshops are topic based, while STEAM workshops are design and make exercises help develop pupils as creative thinkers, effective participants, independent enquirers, reflective learners and resilient individuals.

Martin Wesley - Speaker (paid)

My company (Sphere Science Ltd) offers a wide range of practical workshops and we also provide in-school practical Inset courses.

Matthew Donnelly - Speaker (free)

Matthew Donnelly - Volunteer

Niamh Shaw - Speaker (free)

Looking forward to hearing about your event. If you can cover my travel and accommodation, I make time every year to provide events for free to those communities in greatest need.

Professor Paul D. Williams - Speaker (paid)

Can speak authoritatively and accessibly on all aspects of climate science. Previous speaking experience includes large science festivals including New Scientist Live. Reimbursement of travel expenses requested.

Peter Naish - Speaker (free)

I am probably best known for giving talks on the mechanisms and applications of hypnosis. However, I have also given presentations dealing with how the brain processes information from the senses, on the impact of trauma and the mysterious nature of consciousness. All my talks involve demonstrations and audience participation. I have spoken at all the main science festivals (e.g. Edinburgh, Cardiff, British Science Festival) in many cases on numerous occasions.

Peter Naish - Speaker (paid)

I am probably best known for giving talks on the mechanisms and applications of hypnosis. However, I have also given presentations dealing with how the brain processes information from the senses, on the impact of trauma and the mysterious nature of consciousness. All my talks involve demonstrations and audience participation. I have spoken at all the main science festivals (e.g. Edinburgh, Cardiff, British Science Festival) in many cases on numerous occasions.